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Opportunities to Serve

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

(Jesus, Matthew 25:35-36, New International Version)


The mission of ACAC is to prevent and end homelessness and food insecurity through providing direct service and leadership in collaborative community efforts.

ACAC operates an emergency shelter, resource day center, community kitchen, and food pantry.  The Kitchen prepares nutritious and delicious meals to those in need. Of course those staying in the homeless shelter eat there, but there are also a large number of persons and families that come from the community to eat there as well.  More volunteers are always welcomed.

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On alternate Fridays, we partner with adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities for a morning experience of friendship building, isolation-busting fun.  Activities include cooking or baking, crafts, singing, games, poetry or writing, tea time, and devotions. Springwood volunteers have been blessed by the  spiritual depth shared by our partners from Peacehaven Community.  We are learning much from them, as we celebrate how differently abled we all are.  Come join us! 

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On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday every four weeks we deliver meals to the elderly and homebound in the Gibsonville area through Alamance County Meals on Wheels. With the help of volunteers, this organization serves about 380 meals each weekday to individuals in our community who are homebound. 



Springwood Church enjoys our connection with Twin Lakes Community where several of our members live.  Our pastors and choir members lead worship in the Chapel a few times each year, and we can often be found there visiting friends, serving communion, or just walking the beautiful campus. 


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Each month, Springwood collects offerings, non-perishable foods and specific items to support community members, local homeless shelters, and Gibsonville schools in need. 


Our food pantry serves local families and individuals on an as-needed basis, and through monthly distribution to local food ministries.  We accept nonperishable food donations as well as monetary donations to replenish supply.  


Jesus saw the crowds of people in need and he had compassion on them.  Springwood shares the love and compassion of Jesus to this generation.  Team with Springwood to provide for those who need our help.


Blessing Box - Needs change throughout the year, so our Blessing Box requests change each month.  Whether it be school supplies, bottled water, healthy snacks, personal hygiene items, or warm clothing for children and adults, we are grateful for your new donations and thoughtful generosity.


Food Pantry - Items such as rice, pasta, canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, and packaged meat,  just to name a few.


Please contact the church office if you would like to drop off donations, or donate at the link below.

Thank you for your thoughtful contributions! 


This Christmas, give your loved one a gift that blesses them while helping to heal a world in need. When you shop at the Springwood Alternative Gift Fair, you purchase goods or services that benefit others. A gift card will be provided stating what was given in honor of the person who will receive the gift card.


Organizations your shopping supports:


Global Ministries


Presbyterian Mission: Agriculture/Livestock/Education & Disaster Relief,

Church World Service: Tools/Blankets/Water & Basic Human Needs


Area Ministries

Allied Churches of Alamance County: shelter and feeding ministry

Peacehaven Community Farm: supporting adults with developmental disabilities


Springwood Ministries

Benevolence Fund for friends in financial need

Springwood Playschool: sharing Christ's love w/ children & their families Kitchen/Food Pantry for feeding our community in body, mind, and spirit


God said to Abraham, “I will bless you,.... so that you will be a blessing.”

Genesis 12:1



In addition to raising funds at our Alternative Gift Fair, Springwood members also donate their financial resources for those in need through:  â€‹


  • Springwood Playschool

  • PCUSA One Great Hour of Sharing & Christmas Joy Offerings

  • Pennies for Hunger (shared between local hunger ministries & Sister-2-Sister International in Kenya)

  • Church World Service Blankets and Tools

  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

  • Children's Hope Alliance

  • Area neighbors in need

We are grateful to God for allowing us to steward God's gifts to us for the benefit of others!



Bread members send letters and emails, make phone calls, and visit their members of Congress about legislation that addresses hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Bread equips its members to communicate with Congress and to work with others on advocacy. It educates members on hunger-related issues and inspires members to be legislative activists as a way of putting their Christian faith into action.

Bread works in partnership with churches, campuses, and other organizations to mobilize Christians and others in congressional districts and states. Bread’s goal is to help end hunger by 2030. It believes that everyone must play a part in ending hunger, especially our federal government. We work to change the policies and conditions that allow hunger to persist. Bread seeks long-term solutions to hunger and advocates on legislation that addresses the root causes of hunger.

We have a track record of winning bipartisan legislation that helps hungry people feed their families. We are successful because our grassroots network of members and activists works in concert with national denominations, networks, and organizations supported by Bread’s staff in Washington, D.C., and around the country.   God’s grace moves us to build the political commitment needed to overcome hunger and poverty. We believe it is possible to end hunger in our time.



Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God's love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36 percent of undesignated gifts, while Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receives 32 percent. To give by phone, call 800-872-3283. To give by mail, please designate where you want your gift to go on the memo line and mail to:

                            Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
                            P.O. Box 643700
                            Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700





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Mailing address:

PO Box 5

Whitsett, NC 27377


Join us at:

1422 Springwood Church Rd

Burlington, NC 






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